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Use FindFirst and FindNext to read a directory

by Curtis Krauskopf

Q:  How can I use FindFirst and FindNext to read a directory listing?

A:  Here's an example program: (6K)

#include <vcl.h>
#pragma hdrstop

#include "findfirst_form.h"
#include "dir.h"
#pragma package(smart_init)
#pragma resource "*.dfm"
TForm1 *Form1;

__fastcall TForm1::TForm1(TComponent* Owner)
        : TForm(Owner)
void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)

  int iAttributes = 0;

  iAttributes |= faReadOnly * CheckBox1->Checked;
  iAttributes |= faHidden * CheckBox2->Checked;
  iAttributes |= faSysFile * CheckBox3->Checked;
  iAttributes |= faVolumeID * CheckBox4->Checked;
  iAttributes |= faDirectory * CheckBox5->Checked;
  iAttributes |= faArchive * CheckBox6->Checked;
  iAttributes |= faAnyFile * CheckBox7->Checked;

  // Reset the grid, display a default failure message (which will
  // be overwritten if a file is found)
  StringGrid1->RowCount = 2;
  StringGrid1->FixedRows = 1;
  StringGrid1->Rows[0]->CommaText = "Filename,Size,Attributes";
  StringGrid1->Cells[0][1] = "No Files Found";
  StringGrid1->Cells[1][1] = "";
  StringGrid1->Cells[2][1] = "";
  StringGrid1->Visible = true;

  displayFiles(Edit1->Text, iAttributes, 1);

  if (StringGrid1->RowCount > 2) StringGrid1->RowCount--;


void TForm1::displayFiles(AnsiString path, 
                          int iAttributes, 
                          int nestingLevel)
  TSearchRec sr;

  // Creating the nesting prefix for displaying with each file name
  AnsiString nesting = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < nestingLevel; i++)
    nesting += "  ";

  if (FindFirst(path, iAttributes, sr) == 0)
        StringGrid1->Cells[0][StringGrid1->RowCount-1] = nesting + sr.Name;
        StringGrid1->Cells[1][StringGrid1->RowCount-1] = IntToStr(sr.Size);
        StringGrid1->Cells[2][StringGrid1->RowCount-1] = 
             "0x" + IntToHex(sr.Attr & faAnyFile, 2);
        StringGrid1->RowCount = StringGrid1->RowCount + 1;
        if ((sr.Attr & faDirectory) && DrillDirectories->Checked) {
          // Do not drill into "." or ".."
          if (sr.Name != "." && sr.Name != "..") {
            AnsiString drillPath = appendDirectory(path, sr.Name);
            displayFiles(drillPath, iAttributes, (nestingLevel+1));
    } while (FindNext(sr) == 0);

  // If we are supposed to drill into directories but the faDirectory flag
  // was not set, that means findFirst skipped all of the directories.  Do
  // the search again, this time only looking for directories so that we
  // can drill into them.
  if (DrillDirectories->Checked && ((faDirectory & iAttributes) == 0)) {
    // Use driveAndPath() to Create a path that does not contain a
    // filename or extension so that directories can be drilled into
    if (FindFirst(driveAndPath(path) + "*",
                  iAttributes | faDirectory,
                  sr) == 0)
      do {
        if (sr.Attr & faDirectory) {
          if (sr.Name != "." && sr.Name != "..") {
            // When we find a directory that can be drilled into,
            //  recurse into that directory so that the matching
            //  files can be displayed.
            displayFiles(appendDirectory(path, sr.Name), 
      } while (FindNext(sr) == 0);

// Append the newDir directory to the path, retaining any 
// filename that might already be on the path.
AnsiString TForm1::appendDirectory(AnsiString path, AnsiString newDir)
  char drillIntoPath[MAXPATH];
  char drive[MAXDRIVE];
  char dir[MAXDIR];
  char file[MAXFILE];
  char ext[MAXEXT];


  strcat(dir, newDir.c_str());



// Given a fully qualified filename, return just the drive and
// path.
AnsiString TForm1::driveAndPath(AnsiString path)
  char drillIntoPath[MAXPATH];
  char drive[MAXDRIVE];
  char dir[MAXDIR];
  char file[MAXFILE];
  char ext[MAXEXT];




When this program is executed, it first prompts the user for a directory (with optional wildcards). The user can also check (tick) any of the optional FindFirst() flags:

  • faReadOnly
  • faHidden
  • faSysFile
  • faVolumeID
  • faDirectory
  • faArchive
  • faAnyFile

In addition, the user can also optionally choose to drill into subdirectories.

When the user clicks on the Search button, the directory listing is displayed in a TStringGrid:

Another example of using this sample program is by checking (ticking) the faDirectory checkbox. The same directory listing appears like this:

Notice that in this example, the current directory (".") and the parent directory ("..") are shown in the list.

The Borland C++ Builder 6 documentation for FindFirst() says:

Searches for the first instance of a file name with a given set of attributes in a specified directory.

I've found that this isn't exactly true. For example, in both of the above examples, files with a 0x20 attribute are listed even though the faArchive bit was not set. Also, if Borland's documentation was correct, the only files listed in the first example should be non-archived files and in the second example the only files should be directory entries.

This inconsistency is the main reason why I ended up creating a FindFirst() and FindNext() example program. I use the sample program to test which parameters should be used and the result for various test directories.

This article was written by Curtis Krauskopf (email at ).

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