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Pointer Arithmetic

by Curtis Krauskopf

One of the most common C++ programming problems is the way that pointers are handled in the C++ programming language.

Almost every programmer is comfortable with arrays. Code snippet 1 defines an array of 5 integers and then obtains the 4th integer in the array:

int sample[5];
int random = sample[3];

In the second line of code snippet 1, the array offset [3] really is the fourth integer in the array because arrays in C++ start at 0:

Array Element   Array Index   Value
[0] ???
[1] ???
[2] ???
[3] ???
[4] ???

Also, in code snippet 1, the choice of naming the variable random is not an accident or just a cute name. The value really is random because the values of the array defined in the first line of the code snippet were not defined. The result of sample[3] in an uninitialized array is a random value -- in other words, it could be any integer value.

An array access and pointer arithmetic are the same thing. Code snippet 2 is an example of an array access. The last line of the snippet accesses the same array element using pointer arithmetic.

int sample[5];
int random;
random = sample[3];
random = *(sample + 3);

Of course, most programmers use the shorter version of those two expressions but the C++ language allows us to use either form.

Pointer arithmetic works by translating an expression:

p + n

into the following expression:

p + n * sizeof(whatever p points to)

Here's a simple example of some misleading code. The code in figure 1 is reading the values in an array of chars and then writing the value of the array elements to cout.

#include <iostream.h>

// Create a program that type casts an array of chars
// into an array of shorts and then traverse the array.
// Prevent the last 8 chars of the array from being
// dereferenced.
int main(int, char*)
    const BUFFERSIZE = 20;
    unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*) new char[BUFFERSIZE];
    unsigned short *sptr = NULL;
    int line = 0;

    // Pointer arithmetic in the limit of this for() loop
    // causes the wrong limit address to be calculated.
    for(line = 1, sptr = (unsigned short *)p;
        (sptr < (unsigned short*)p + BUFFERSIZE - 8);
        sptr++, line++) {
      cout << dec << "Line " << line << ": ";
      cout << hex << "sptr = " << sptr << "h";
      cout << ", stop at: ";
      cout << ((unsigned short*)p + BUFFERSIZE - 8);
      cout << "h" << dec << endl;

    cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;

    // Casting the limit part of the for() loop to an
    // unsigned char* causes the program to do the right
    // thing, but the displayed limit is still wrong.
    for(line = 1, sptr = (unsigned short*) p;
        ((unsigned char*)sptr < p + BUFFERSIZE - 8);
        sptr++, line++) {
      cout << dec << "Line " << line << ": ";
      cout << hex << "sptr = " << sptr << "h";

// --- this looks right but is wrong because
// operator<<(unsigned char*) dereferences the
// pointer passed to it and then tries to
// print what the dereferenced pointer points to:
//    cout << ", stop at: " << (p + BUFFERSIZE - 8);
// -- this throws a compile-time error:  size of
// type 'void' is unknown or zero
// cout << ", stop at: " << ((void*)p + BUFFERSIZE - 8);

      cout << ", stop at: ";
      cout << ((unsigned short*)p + BUFFERSIZE - 8);
      cout << "h" << dec << endl;

    cout << "---------------------------------" << endl;

    // This is one way to do it right -- declare a variable
    // to hold the for loop's limit:
    unsigned char* limit = p + BUFFERSIZE - 8;
    for(line = 1, sptr = (unsigned short*) p;
        ((unsigned char*)sptr < limit);
        sptr++, line++) {
      cout << dec << "Line " << line << ": ";
      cout << hex << "sptr = " << sptr << "h";
// --- We can use (void*) now because we don't need to use
// any pointer arithmetic to show the right value.
      cout << ", stop at: " << ((void*)limit);
      cout << "h" << dec << endl;

    return 0;

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