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Compiling DataFlex Programs
by Curtis Krauskopf
Don't Stop on Errors
One problem hasn't been fixed yet. When
dfcomp is compiling programs,
it still stops at every error and waits for the programmer
to acknowledge the error message.
Data Access has provided command-line
parameters for dfcomp that
allow it to compile programs and silently process errors.
dfcomp filename.src -v1fskw
will compile FILENAME.SRC
and generate FILENAME.FLX
(if the source is successfully compiled) or FILENAME.ERR
if there were compile-time errors. The file FILENAME.PRN
is always generated and it contains information about
how the program was compiled.
One problem with this technique is that
the existence of a .ERR
file does not necessarily mean that the file had a compile-time
error. dfcomp does not
delete a .ERR file if
the source file compiled successfully. One way to determine
if the .ERR file is for
the most recent compilation is to compare its time/date
stamp with the time/date stamp of the .PRN
file. If they match, then the errors in the .ERR
file are for the most recent compilation.
A simpler way is to just delete all of
the .ERR files before
The following batch file allows a coder
to compile a group of source files. The existence of
any .ERR files when the
compilation is complete indicates source files that
compiled with errors. .ERR
files are always deleted when the batch file starts.
@echo off
REM dfc.bat:
REM Created by Curtis Krauskopf
REM October 9, 2003
REM The Database Managers, Inc.
REM Permission to use this batch file is granted
REM provided this banner stays in the file.
if x%1==x goto instructions
REM Eliminate all .ERR files. Create one .ERR file
REM so that the del command doesn't complain that
REM no files were deleted.
echo x > 1.err
del /q *.err
REM Compile the %1 parameter
for %%s in (%1) do dfcomp %%s -v1fskw
Echo Compilation Finished echo File Not Found means there were no compile-time errors: dir /-b *.Err goto done
echo You need to provide a filename (with optional
echo wildcards) that is used to compile the programs.
Echo Example: %0 ap*.src menu.src gl*.src
Copyright 2003-2010 The Database Managers, Inc.