Page 4
Compiling DataFlex Programs
by Curtis Krauskopf
It's convenient being able to compile
groups of files like this:
and then look for .ERR
files to tell you which source files compiled with errors.
How about being able to specify multiple groups of files
on the dfc command line?
Such a command would look like this
dfc ap*.src ar*.src gl*.src
The shift
command changes the positions of the parameters
of a batch file. Each parameter is shifted
one position to the left. So:
%2 become %1
%3 becomes %2
and so on.
The following batch file allows multiple
groups of files that use wildcards, or the compilation
of individual files through the dfc
batch file.
@echo off
REM dfc.bat:
REM Created by Curtis Krauskopf
REM October 9, 2003
REM The Database Managers, Inc.
REM Permission to use this batch file is granted
REM provided this banner stays in the file.
if x%1==x goto instructions
REM Eliminate all .ERR files. Create one .ERR file
REM so that the del command doesn't complain that
REM no files were deleted.
echo x > 1.err
del /q *.err
REM Compile the %1 parameter
for %%s in (%1) do dfcomp %%s -v1fskw
if x%1 NEQ x goto compileAgain
Echo Compilation Finished echo File Not Found means there were no compile-time errors: dir /-b *.Err goto done
echo You need to provide a filename (with optional
echo wildcards) that is used to compile the programs.
Echo Example: %0 AP*.src menu.src GL*.src
An example command line is:
dfc AP*.src menu.src AR*.src
Copyright 2003-2010 The Database Managers, Inc.